Drugs and Alcohol Policy

The UK’s premier Hydroseeding and Erosion Control contractor

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Employees and other persons who enter Oliver Brown Limited workplaces or sites or undertake work for Oliver Brown Limited while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can pose a serious risk not only to their own safety but that of other persons.

Drugs may include both legal and illegal substances. Some prescription and non-prescription drugs may have an adverse effect on an individual’s performance. Therefore each individual has a duty to understand the effects of any drugs taken and to inform their immediate supervisor before starting work.

Oliver Brown Limited adopts a policy of zero tolerance to the possession or consumption of illegal substances and certain inappropriate legal substances such as alcohol or prescription drugs which would inhibit performance if taken prior to or during work activities.

In this respect all persons on any Oliver Brown Limited business, premises, or site must NOT:

  • Report for duty, drive, or enter the workplace having taken illegal substances.
  • Report for duty, drive, or enter the workplace under the influence of alcohol.
  • Undertake any task for which performance is impaired due to prescription drugs.
  • Bring alcohol or illegal substances into the workplace.

In order to keep workplaces free from the dangers presented by persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol the company reserves the right to:

  • Refuse entry to the workplace to employees or other persons who have, or are suspected of having, recently consumed alcohol or taken substances which affect their performance.
  • Enforce the disciplinary procedure on employees who break the above rules in accordance with the Disciplinary Policy & Procedure and the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Procedure detailed in the Employee Handbook.
  • Remove from site all persons who break the above rules. If this is challenged, the police may be informed and medical opinion sought.
  • Report all persons discovered to be in possession of illegal substances to the police.
  • Where practicable, transfer persons who have informed their supervisor that they are taking prescription drugs which could affect their performance at work to more suitable duties while they are taking the medication.
  • Undertake random tests for alcohol and illegal substances where specific site conditions demand.

Oliver Brown Limited will ensure compliance, by all Safety Critical personnel, with GE/RT 8070 (issue 1) October 2003.

Oliver Brown Limited recognises that alcohol and drug-related problems are primarily health and social concerns and is not seeking to victimise persons who admit to having a drink-and/or drug-related problems.

Any employee who approaches the company for help, and is prepared to undergo an agreed form of treatment in accordance with the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Procedures detailed in the Employee Handbook will receive all possible assistance.


Oliver Brown

Managing Director

Drugs and Alcohol Policy

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